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Type: Article
Published: 2023-11-23
Page range: 349-378
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How complex is the Naineris setosa species complex? First integrative study of a presumed cosmopolitan and invasive annelid (Sedentaria: Orbiniidae)

Graduate program in Oceanic Coastal Systems (PGSISCO); Federal University of Paraná; Pontal do Paraná; Paraná; Brazil
Department of Natural History; University Museum of Bergen; University of Bergen; Allégaten 41; 5007 Bergen; Norway
Annelida Integrative taxonomy 28S rRNA gene mtDNA COI 16S cosmopolitanism new species


We performed a comparative study of the specimens from the Naineris setosa complex from the Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans and re-described the syntype of N. setosa, including the selection of the lectotype. Molecular phylogenetic and species delimitation analyses based on two mitochondrial (COI and 16S) and one nuclear (28S) marker revealed the presence of three species. One clade with wide Amphi-Atlantic distribution was attributed as Naineris setosa s. str. The second Atlantic clade restricted to Southern and Southeastern Brazil was described as a new species, Naineris lanai sp. n. The third clade, reported from the Northwestern Pacific, was identified as a new species but was not formally described due to the presence of only juvenile-sized worms in the studied material. Detailed morphological descriptions of several diagnostic characters in the Naineris setosa complex are provided.



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