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Type: Article
Published: 2023-11-24
Page range: 550-564
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Review of the subgenus Turcmenicola Bogatchev, 1952, the genus Colposcelis Dejean, 1834 (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Tentyriini)

Khorezm Mamun Academy; Khiva; Markaz-1; Khorezm 220900; Uzbekistan
Precaspian Institute of Biological Resources of the Daghestan Federal Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences; M. Gadzhiev str.; 45; Makhachkala; Republic of Dagestan 367000; Russia; Dagestan State University; M. Gadzhiev str.; 43a; Makhachkala; Republic of Dagestan 367000; Russia
Urgench State University; Kh. Alimdjan str.; 14; Urgench 220100; Uzbekistan
Coleoptera new species new synonymy Pimeliinae Colposcelis deserts Middle Asia


The subgenus Turcmenicola Bogatchev, 1952 (genus Colposcelis Dejean, 1834) is reviewed. Representatives of the studied taxon occur in the most lifeless rocky, gravelly and clayey areas of the deserts of Middle Asia (Ustyurt plateau, Kyzylkum desert, foothills of southern Kugitang, Betpak-Dala desert). Turcmenicola comprises five species from which two are described here as new: C. ustyurtensis Bekchanov & Nabozhenko sp. n. (Uzbekistan, Karakalpakstan, eastern part of Ustyurt plateau) and C. khudaybergani Bekchanov, Nabozhenko & Bekchanova, sp. n. (Uzbekistan, Karakalpakstan, Amudarya and Beruni districts). The following new synonymy is proposed: Colposcelis jachontovi (Bogatchev, 1952) = Colposcelis kerzhneri Medvedev, 1970, syn. n. A key to species of Turcmenicola is given.



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