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Type: Article
Published: 2023-11-29
Page range: 173-183
Abstract views: 340
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Redescription of Leptoconops (Leptoconops) brasiliensis (Lutz) and Leptoconops (Megaconops) floridensis Wirth (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) with its first Brazilian record

Coleção de Ceratopogonidae; Laboratório de Diptera; Instituto Oswaldo Cruz; Fiocruz; Rio de Janeiro; RJ; Brazil
Laboratório de Ecologia e Conservação de Tetrápodes Marinhos e Costeiros (TETRAMAR); Universidade da Região de Joinville (UNIVILLE); São Francisco do Sul; SC; Brazil
Laboratório de Ecologia e Conservação de Tetrápodes Marinhos e Costeiros (TETRAMAR); Universidade da Região de Joinville (UNIVILLE); São Francisco do Sul; SC; Brazil
Laboratório de Ecologia e Conservação de Tetrápodes Marinhos e Costeiros (TETRAMAR); Universidade da Região de Joinville (UNIVILLE); São Francisco do Sul; SC; Brazil
Walter Reed Biosystematics Unit; Museum Support Center MRC-534; Smithsonian Institution; 4210 Silver Hill Rd.; Suitland; MD 20746; SA; One Health Branch; Walter Reed Army Institute of Research; 503 Robert Grant Ave.; Silver Spring; MD 20910; USA; Department of Entomology; Smithsonian Institution—National Museum of Natural History; 10th St NE & Constitution Ave NE; Washington; DC 20002; USA
Coleção de Ceratopogonidae; Laboratório de Diptera; Instituto Oswaldo Cruz; Fiocruz; Rio de Janeiro; RJ; Brazil
Diptera biting midges Leptoconopinae taxonomy Brazil


The Leptoconops Skuse genus includes many pestiferous biting midges found in coastal areas. Only two species were previously found in Brazil and some species have ancient descriptions lacking updated taxonomic features. Herein, we redescribe Leptoconops (Leptoconops) brasiliensis Lutz and L. (Megaconops) floridensis Wirth based on female type specimens and additional material from Goiás and Santa Catarina, Brazil. The first Brazilian record of L. (M.) floridensis is reported.



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