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Type: Article
Published: 2023-12-05
Page range: 577-586
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Single syntypes of Somatochlora exuberata Bartenev, 1910 (Odonata: Corduliidae), discovered in both the Milwaukee Public Museum and the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, U.S.A., with designation of the lectotype

Florida State Collection of Arthropods; SW 34th Street; Gainesville; Florida 32608; U.S.A.; IIllinois State Museum Research and Collections Center; 1011 East Ash Street; Springfield; Illinois 62703 U.S.A.
Institute of Cytology & Genetics SB RAS; Acad. Lavrentyev Ave. 10; Novosibirsk; 630090; Russia; Novosibirsk State University; Pirogova Str. 2; Novosibirsk; 630090; Russia
Milwaukee Public Museum; 800 West Wells Street; Milwaukee; Wisconsin 53233 U.S.A.
Odonata dragonfly Corduliidae syntypes A.N. Bartenev Somatochlora exuberata exuberata Somatochlora exuberata japonica Somatochlora metallica Somatochlora vera lectotype


A male syntype of Somatochlora exuberata Bartenev, 1910, from Kavykuchi Gazimurskie village, Transbaikalia, Siberia, June 24 (in Julian Calendar, July 7 in Gregorian Calendar) 1909, was discovered in the Milwaukee Public Museum, Wisconsin, U.S.A., as received in exchange from A.N. Bartenev by Richard Anthony Muttkowski. Another male syntype with the same data later was found in the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Michigan, U.S.A. The latter specimen is designated as the lectotype of S. exuberata. The description of Somatochlora vera Bartenev, 1914, a name currently considered a junior synonym of S. exuberata, is critically evaluated.



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  3. Bartenev, A.N. (1910a) [Materials on the fauna of dragonflies of Siberia. 15). Dragonflies of Transbaikalia]. Varshavskie Universitetskie Izvestiya, issues VI–IX, 77 p. [no throughout pagination in the journal], plus a corrigenda page. [In Russian]
  4. Bartenev, A.N. (1910b) Data related to Siberian dragonflies. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 35 (4), 270–278.
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  10. Bartenev, A.N. (1956) [Contributions towards a dragonfly fauna (Odonata, Insecta) of the Far East of Russia. In Russian]. In: Kurentzov, A.l. (ed.). Trudy Dal’nevostochnogo Filiala imeni V.L. Komarova, Akademiya Nauk SSSR, 3, 201–238. [In Russian]
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  23. Malikova, E.I. (2006) Synonymy of Somatochlora japonica Matsumura, 1911 and S. exuberata Bartenev, 1911, with the priority of the former. Abstr. Papers. XVII International Symposium of Odonatology, Hong Kong, China, p. 33.
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  25. Medvedev, A.F, Kosterin, O.E., Malikova E.I. & Schneider, W. (2013) Description date of Somatochlora exuberata Bartenev, Leucorrhinia intermedia Bartenev and Sympetrum vulgatum grandis Bartenev, the fate of A.N. Bartenev’s type specimens and designation of the lectotype of L. intermedia (Anisoptera: Corduliidae, Libellulidae). Odonatologica, 42 (3), 211–228.
  26. Muttkowski, R.A. (1910) Catalogue of the Odonata of North America. Bulletin of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee, 1 (1), 1–207.
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