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Type: Article
Published: 2023-12-07
Page range: 55-61
Abstract views: 241
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Heissophila macrotheleae Schuh, 2006, the first record of the subfamily Heissophilinae from China (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Plokiophilidae)

School of Life Sciences; State Key Laboratory of Biocontrol; 135 Xingangxi Road; Sun Yat-sen University; Guangzhou 510275; Guangdong; China
College of Life Sciences; Nankai University; 94 Weijin Road; Tianjin 300071; China
School of Life Sciences; State Key Laboratory of Biocontrol; 135 Xingangxi Road; Sun Yat-sen University; Guangzhou 510275; Guangdong; China
Hemiptera new distribution generic diagnosis DNA barcode the Oriental Region Cimicoidea


Heissophila Schuh, 2006, a monotypic genus of Heissophilinae (Hemiptera: Plokiophilidae), is newly recorded from Oriental China based on Heissophila macrotheleae Schuh, 2006 collected from Yunnan Province, China. The diagnosis of the species is expanded based on the newly collected materials. In addition, a DNA barcode of H. macrotheleae and host spider are provided. Photographs of the co-existing web-loving bugs and the natural habitat are also present.



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