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Type: Article
Published: 2023-12-07
Page range: 146-151
Abstract views: 355
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Macrosiphoniella (Asterobium) herczeki sp. nov.—a new aphid species from Bulgaria (Hemiptera, Aphididae)

Institute of Biology; Biotechnology and Environmental Protection; Faculty of Natural Sciences; University of Silesia in Katowice; Bankowa 9; 40-007 Katowice; Poland
Institute of Zoology; Ilia State University; Giorgi Tsereteli 3; 0162; Tbilisi; Georgia
Institute of Biology; Biotechnology and Environmental Protection; Faculty of Natural Sciences; University of Silesia in Katowice; Bankowa 9; 40-007 Katowice; Poland
Hemiptera Aphids description Europe Galatella Macrosiphini


Here we present a description of a new aphid species from the subgenus Asterobium Hille Ris Lambers, 1938 of the genus Macrosiphoniella Del Guercio, 1911 in the tribe Macrosiphini Wilson, 1910 (Aphididae). The new species—Macrosiphiniella (Asterobium) herczeki sp. nov. living on Galatella villosa (Asteraceae) in Tolbuchin region, Bulgaria, is described based on apterous viviparous females. The new species is morphologically similar to M. (Asterobium) konyratica Kadyrbekov, 2018 from Kazakhstan from which it differs in several morphological and metric characters. We provided an updated key to “Blackman’s & Eastop” online key to Aster-feeding aphids.



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