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Type: Article
Published: 2023-12-07
Page range: 170-178
Abstract views: 301
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A new genus and two new species of fossil deraeocorine plant bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae) from Eocene Baltic amber

Private office; Gyebaek-ro; Jung-gu; Daejeon; Korea
Institute of Biology; Biotechnology and Environmental Protection; Faculty of Natural Sciences; University of Silesia in Katowice; Bankowa 9; 40-007 Katowice; Poland
Laboratory of Systematic Entomology; Department of Applied Biology; College of Agriculture and Life Sciences; Chungnam National University; Daejeon; Korea; Department of Smart Agriculture Systems; College of Agriculture and Life Sciences; Chungnam National University; Daejeon; Korea
Hemiptera Balticranocapsus Deraeocoris Deraeocorini insect taxonomy true bugs


A new fossil genus, Balticranocapsus gen. nov. and two new fossil species, Balticranocapsus aleksanderi sp. nov. and Deraeocoris gorczycai sp. nov. are described from Eocene Baltic amber. Morphological information, including the description and the diagnosis for the genus and species, is provided with photographs.



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