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Type: Article
Published: 2023-12-12
Page range: 365-374
Abstract views: 250
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Redescription of the earthworm Moniligaster gravelyi Stephenson, 1915 (Clitellata, Moniligastridae) based on recent collections from Kerala state, India

Advanced Centre of Environmental Studies and Sustainable Development; Mahatma Gandhi University; Priyadarsini Hills; Kottayam—686560; Kerala; India
House No 77/62; Mansarovar; Jaipur—302020; Rajasthan; India
Zoological Survey of India; Prani Vigyan Bhawan; M Block; New Alipore; Kolkata 700053; West Bengal; India
Advanced Centre of Environmental Studies and Sustainable Development; Mahatma Gandhi University; Priyadarsini Hills; Kottayam—686560; Kerala; India
School of Biological and Environmental Sciences; Faculty of Basic Sciences; Shoolini University of Biotechnology and Management Sciences; Solan—173212; Himachal Pradesh; India
Amphibia Chimmini Wildlife Sanctuary endemic Parambikulam Tiger Reserve Peechi-Vazhani Wildlife Sanctuary Thrissur Western Ghats


Earthworms of the genus Moniligaster Perrier, 1872 can be distinguished from other genera of the family Moniligastridae by the presence of spermathecal atrial glands. Moniligaster gravelyi Stephenson, 1915 has so far been known only from a single specimen, and it is the only species with supposed single spermathecal atrial gland in the genus. Hence, this species has been a subject to some taxonomic confusion. Here, M. gravelyi is redescribed from new material collected and illustrated for the first time. The current study expanded its description and provided a more comprehensive taxonomic characterization of the species. Comparison of the species with closely related species are also made. Apart from this detailed information on its habitat and geographical range is also provided.



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