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Type: Article
Published: 2023-12-19
Page range: 193-212
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Revision of the genus Orbellis Distant, 1913 (Heteroptera: Rhyparochromidae)

Festetics Doctoral School; Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences; Georgikon Campus; str. Deák F. 16; Keszthely; H-8360 Hungary
Department of Conservation Biology; Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences; Georgikon Campus; str. Deák F. 16; Keszthely; H-8360 Hungary
Department of Conservation Biology; Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences; Georgikon Campus; str. Deák F. 16; Keszthely; H-8360 Hungary
Hemiptera Lygaeoidea Lethaeini review new species new combination Madagascar key


The authors examined the Malagasy Lygaeoidea material of about 20 European collections, clarified the taxonomic position of Orbellis Distant, 1913 and described 7 new species (O. calcaratus Zámbó & Kondorosy, sp. nov., O. dentifemoralis Zámbó & Kondorosy, sp. nov., O. flavescens Zámbó & Kondorosy, sp. nov., O. guilberti Zámbó & Kondorosy, sp. nov., O. longirostris Zámbó & Kondorosy, sp. nov., O. nigriapicalis Zámbó & Kondorosy, sp. nov. and O. odonnellae Zámbó & Kondorosy, sp. nov.) from Madagascar. Three species: Neolethaeus maculosus Slater and O’Donnell, 1999, N. madagascariensis Slater and O’Donnell, 1999 and N. polhemi Slater and O’Donnell, 1999 are transferred to Orbellis. A key is given to separate the species.



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