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Type: Article
Published: 2023-12-19
Page range: 253-265
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Two new sponge inhabiting leucothoid amphipod species from the Western Atlantic

Graduate course in Ecology and Evolution (PPGEE); State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ); São Francisco Xavier St; 524. 20550- 900; RJ; Brazil
Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences; Georgia College & State University; Milledgeville; GA; 31061 USA
Reef Foundation; Inc.; Ellijay; GA; 30540 USA
Crustacea biogeography commensalism Leucothoe mucifibrosa sp. nov. Leucothoe darthvaderi sp.nov. sponges new species Western Atlantic Caribbean


Two new leucothoid amphipod species are described from the Western Atlantic Ocean. Leucothoe mucifibrosa sp. nov., collected from Belize, may represent a member of the “Paraleucothoe” group with a specific sponge host preference. Leucothoe darthvaderi sp. nov., collected from South Florida, is part of the Leucothoe spinicarpa species complex and has demonstrated a shift in host preference over time, possibly associated with environmental perturbances.



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