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Type: Article
Published: 2023-12-20
Page range: 362-372
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First record of the subgenus Hemilepistus (Desertellio) (Isopoda, Agnaridae) from China

College of Agronomy; Jiangxi Agricultural University; 330045; Nanchang; China
College of Agronomy; Jiangxi Agricultural University; 330045; Nanchang; China
National Resource Center for Chinese Materia Medica; China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences; 100700; Beijing; China
College of Agronomy; Jiangxi Agricultural University; 330045; Nanchang; China
Crustacea DNA barcoding morphology new species Oniscidea taxonomy


The subgenus Hemilepistus (Desertellio) Verhoeff, 1930 is reported from China for the first time. A new species of the subgenus, H. (D.) gracilentus Li & Jiang sp. nov., is described from Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, northwestern China and H. (D.) ruderalis (Pallas, 1771) is redescribed as a new record for Chinese Fauna, and its polymorphism is verified by using the COI sequences. A key to the worldwide species of the subgenus is provided.



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