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Type: Article
Published: 2023-12-20
Page range: 373-385
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A checklist of epibiont and parasite ciliates (Ciliophora) associated to rotifers (Rotifera)

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A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of Russian Academy of Sciences; 2; Nakhimov ave.; Sevastopol; 299011; Russia
National Research Council of Italy; Water Research Institute (CNR-IRSA); Molecular Ecology Group (MEG); Largo Tonolli 50; 28922 Verbania Pallanza; Italy
Institute of Marine and Environmental Sciences; Centre of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology; University of Szczecin; 71-415 Szczecin; Poland
CSIR-Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine; Jammu 180001; India
Rotifera ciliate epibionts parasites rotifers host


A review of the ciliate (Ciliophora) species associated to rotifers as epibionts and endoparasites is presented, based on published records. Thirty rotifer species from 12 genera are known as hosts of ciliates. Among ciliates, one species of class Suctorea and 14 species of class Oligohymenophorea (12 from subclass Peritrichia, one from Hymenostomatia, and one from Astomatia) have been noted as associated to rotifers. The possible factors responsible for host prevalence of ciliates are discussed.



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