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Type: Article
Published: 2023-12-21
Page range: 483-490
Abstract views: 875
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A new species of Oecobius Lucas, 1846 from the Thar Desert, India (Araneae: Oecobiidae)

Centre for Animal Taxonomy and Ecology (CATE); Department of Zoology; Christ college (Affiliated to University of Calicut); Irinjalakuda; Thrissur; Kerala 680 125; India
Arachnology Research Association; 124 City Road; London; EC1V 2NX; United Kingdom
Fundación Ariguanabo; 4111; Calle 58; e/ ave. 41 y ave.43; San Antonio de los Baños; Provincia Artemisa c.p. 18100; Cuba
Araneae distribution morphology SEM spider taxonomy


We describe a new species of Oecobius Lucas, 1846 from the Thar Desert ecoregion in India, based on both sexes: Oecobius thar sp. nov.. We also provide photographs of the new species in vivo and the general habitat of its type locality.



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