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Type: Article
Published: 2023-12-21
Page range: 491-496
Abstract views: 237
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A new species of the genus Cheiloceps Uhler, 1895 (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Issidae) from the Dominican amber

Zoological Institute; Russian Academy of Sciences; 1 Universitetskaya Emb.; Saint Petersburg 199034; Russia
School of Ecology and Nature Conservation; Beijing Forestry University; Qinghua East Road 35; Beijing 100083; China
Natural History Museum of Denmark; Universitetsparken 15; Copenhagen; Denmark
Hemiptera amber fossil Thioniina new species Neotropics


A new species of the planthopper genus Cheiloceps Uhler, 1895 (Issidae, Issinae, Thioniini), Cheiloceps magnifrons sp. nov., is described from the Dominican amber. Issidae fossils are briefly discussed.



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