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Type: Article
Published: 2024-01-08
Page range: 486-496
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Description of two new species of Dinometa from East Africa with remarks on D. maputuana (Lepidoptera, Lasiocampidae, Lasiocampinae)

University of Sciences; Techniques and Technology of Bamako; BP 1805 Bamako; Mali
Karl Marx st. 41; RUS-432001 Ulyanovsk; Russia.
Altai State University; pr. Lenina 61; RUS-656049 Barnaul; Russia; Tomsk State University; Laboratory of Biodiversity and Ecology; Lenina pr. 36; RUS-634050 Tomsk; Russia; Samarkand State University; University blv. 15; 140104 Samarkand; Uzbekistan
Ulyanovsk State University; Universitetskaya Naberezhnaya Ulitsa; 1; RUS-432063 Ulyanovsk; Russia
Nature Research Centre; Akademijos str. 2; 08412 Vilnius-21; Lithuania
Museum Witt; Max-Reger-Str. 18; 92637 Weiden in der Oberpfalz; Germany
University of Sciences; Techniques and Technology of Bamako; BP 1805 Bamako; Mali
University of Sciences; Techniques and Technology of Bamako; BP 1805 Bamako; Mali; Kuvin Center for the Study of Infectious and Tropical Diseases; Hadassah Medical School; The Hebrew University; Kalman Ya’akov Man St.; 91120 Jerusalem; Israel
Lepidoptera Afrotropical realm biodiversity Coastal Forests of Tanzania and kenya CoI Eastern Arc Mountains kenya lappet moth


The genus Dinometa Aurivillius, 1927 (type species Gastroplakaeis maputuana Wichgraf, 1906) is reviewed, with two new species described: Dinometa ethani sp. n. from Tanzania and Dinometa abigailae sp. n. from Kenya and Tanzania. All Dinometa species showed no significant differences in male genitalia, but D. ethani sp. n. and D. abigailae sp. n. are allopatric with D. maputuana. D. abigailae sp. n. has specific reddish spots on hindwings that distinguishes it from closely distributed D. ethani sp. n. Two D. maputuana specimens collected at the same night and locality in the Republic of South Africa have an intraspecific variation of 1.52% in cytochrome c oxidase subunit I, while all barcoded D. maputuana are 2.43–2.74% distant from D. ethani sp. n. Adults, male genitalia and distribution maps of all three species are illustrated.



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