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Type: Article
Published: 2024-01-10
Page range: 19-36
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New species of Pseudoscalibregma Ashworth, 1901 (Annelida: Scalibregmatidae Malmgren, 1867) from Brazil

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Programa de Pós-Graduação em Zoologia; Museu Nacional
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Departamento de Zoologia; Laboratório de Polychaeta
Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro; Departamento de Zoologia; Laboratório de Zoologia de Invertebrados
Annelida Pseudoscalibregma AnnelidaBrazil


Pseudoscalibregma Ashworth, 1901 is a small genus of the family Scalibregmatidae Malmgren, 1867. Currently, a total of eight valid species are accepted. Of these, the majority are found at great depths. This work contains the first report of Pseudoscalibregma to the Brazilian coast, with the description of three new species: Pseuscalibregma ermindae sp. nov., P. magalhaesi sp. nov. and P. parapari sp. nov. The material was sampled from the Brazilian southeast region, on Campos and Santos sedimentary basins, during scientific expeditions called “Santos Project—Santos Basin Environmental Characterization” and “Ambes Project—Espírito Santo Basin Assessment Project”, both coordinated by PETROBRAS/CENPES. We also include an identification key to Pseudoscalibregma species.



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