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Type: Article
Published: 2024-01-11
Page range: 130-140
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Two new species of Promonhystera Wieser, 1956 (Nematoda: Monhysterida: Xyalidae) from the South China Sea

College of Life Sciences; Liaocheng University; Liaocheng 252059; China; Laboratory of Marine Organism Taxonomy and Phylogeny; Institute of Oceanology; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Qingdao 266071; China
College of Life Sciences; Liaocheng University; Liaocheng 252059; China; Laboratory of Marine Organism Taxonomy and Phylogeny; Institute of Oceanology; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Qingdao 266071; China; Laboratory for Marine Biology and Biotechnology; Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology; Qingdao 266237; China; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100039; China; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100039; China
Nematoda free-living nematodes Hainan Island Promonhystera papilla sp. nov. Promonhystera fluctispicula sp. nov. taxonomy


Two new species of free-living marine nematodes from the littoral sediment of the South China Sea are described as Promonhystera papilla sp. nov. and Promonhystera fluctispicula sp. nov. Both new species are characterized by striated cuticle; circular amphideal fovea; anterior sensilla in two circles, inner labial sensilla setiform; funnel-shaped buccal cavity; elongated spicules and conico-cylindrical tail. P. papilla sp. nov. is different from all known species of the genus by longer body length (more than 2.1mm versus less than 1.5 mm in other species), longer spicules (sp/a.b.d. = 4.1–4.6 versus ≤ 2.7) and males with three papilliform precloacal supplements and one small postcloacal papilla (versus absence) and gubernaculum boot-shaped. P. fluctispicula sp. nov. is similar to P. tricuspidata Wieser, 1956 in having similar waved spicules but differs from the latter species by tail conico-cylindrical (versus conical) and simple plate-like gubernaculum without tooth (versus gubernaculum with four distal teeth).



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