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Type: Article
Published: 2024-01-16
Page range: 540-554
Abstract views: 224
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Review of the bicolora Fang and binghami Hampson species-groups of the genus Ovipennis Hampson with descriptions of five new species from Southwestern China and Indochina (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae, Lithosiini)

Department of Entomology; College of Plant Protection; South China Agricultural University; Guangzhou 510642; Guangdong; China
Altai State University; Lenina Avenue; 61; RF-656049; Barnaul; Russia
Tiergartenstrasse 27; A-6020 Innsbruck; Austria
Administration bureau of Taiyanghe Natural Reserve; Chachen Road; 48; Pu’er 665000; Yunnan; China
Nature Research Centre; Akademijos str.; 2; LT-08412; Vilnius-21; Lithuania
Lepidoptera Asura / Miltochrista complex lichen moth Myanmar Nudariina taxonomy Thailand Vietnam


The Ovipennis bicolora Fang, 1986 and Ovipennis binghami Hampson, 1903 species-groups are reviewed. The identities of the records of O. binghami reported outside of its type locality are clarified. Ovipennis bicolora is rediscovered with the male and female genitalia illustrated for the first time. The male and female genitalia of O. thomasi Černý, 2009 are illustrated for the first time and its specific status is confirmed. Five new species are described: O. hanae S.-Y. Huang, Volynkin & Černý, sp. n. (Southwestern China), O. regina Volynkin, Černý, S.-Y. Huang & Saldaitis, sp. n. (Northern Thailand and Southwestern China), O. takia Volynkin, S.-Y. Huang & Černý, sp. n. (Western and Central Thailand), O. kitchingi Volynkin, S.-Y. Huang & Černý, sp. n. (Northern Thailand), and O. sapa Volynkin, S.-Y. Huang, Černý & Saldaitis, sp. n. (Northern Vietnam). Adults and genitalia of the new species are illustrated and compared with its congeners.



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