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Type: Article
Published: 2024-01-22
Page range: 301-319
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Revision of the genus Nephelobotys Munroe & Mutuura, 1970 (Lepidoptera, Crambidae, Pyraustinae)

School of Ecology; Sun Yat-sen University; Shenzhen; Guangdong 518000; China
School of Life Sciences; Sun Yat-sen University; Guangzhou; Guangdong 510275; China; School of Life Sciences; Jiaying University; Meizhou; 514015; China
School of Life Sciences; Sun Yat-sen University; Guangzhou; Guangdong 510275; China
School of Life Sciences; Sun Yat-sen University; Guangzhou; Guangdong 510275; China
Lepidoptera Nephelobotys Torulisquama Limbobotys Anamalaia morphology taxonomy new species


The genus Nephelobotys Munroe & Mutuura, 1970 is revised to include eight species. Three species, N. apiculata sp. nov., N. semicircularis sp. nov. and N. brevis sp. nov. are described as new to science. Two new combinations, N. habisalis (Walker, 1859) comb. nov. and N. flavicilialis (Snellen, 1890) comb. nov., are proposed. N. forcipatus Ko & Bae, 2022 syn. nov. is found to be identical with N. habisalis (Walker, 1859). Diagnoses for all species are provided, with illustrations of external features and genitalia.



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