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Type: Article
Published: 2024-01-23
Page range: 488-494
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Heterlimnius luyashanensis sp. n. and Zaitzevia triangularis sp. n. from Shanxi Province, China (Coleoptera: Elmidae)

Shanxi Key Laboratory of Integrated Pest Management in Agriculture; College of Plant Protection; Shanxi Agricultural University; Taiyuan; 030031; China
Key Laboratory of Forest Ecology and Management; Institute of Applied Ecology; Shenyang; 110016; Chinese Academy of Sciences
Shanxi Insect Herbarium; College of Plant Protection; Shanxi Agricultural University; Taiyuan; 030031; China
Coleoptera Riffle beetles Heterlimnius luyashanensis sp. n. Zaitzevia triangularis sp. n. Shanxi Province


Two new species, Heterlimnius luyashanensis sp. n. and Zaitzevia triangularis sp. n. are described from Shanxi Province, China. The genus Heterlimnius Hinton, 1935 and Zaitzevia Champion, 1923 are reported from Shanxi Province for the first time. Heterlimnius luyashanensis sp. n. belonging to the Heterlimnius trachys species group has the following characteristics: 1. anterior margin of pronotum strongly produced anteriad; 2. median longitudinal sulcus of pronotum extends from basal 0.3 to 0.8. Zaitzevia triangularis sp. n. has a larger body size and a triangular apex of penis.



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