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Type: Article
Published: 2024-01-24
Page range: 530-548
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Taxonomic review of the Strongylophthalmyia ustulata group (Diptera: Brachycera: Strongylophthalmyiidae) from China, with the descriptions of three new species

Department of Entomology; College of Plant Protection; China Agricultural University; 2 Yuanmingyuan West Road; Beijing 100193; China
Department of Natural Sciences; Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum; 1525 Bernice Street; Honolulu; Hawaii 96817-2704; USA
Department of Entomology; College of Plant Protection; China Agricultural University; 2 Yuanmingyuan West Road; Beijing 100193; China
Diptera Acalyptratae Diopsoidea key new species oriental Region Palearctic Region


The Strongylophthalmyia ustulata group (Diptera: Brachycera: Strongylophthalmyiidae) from China is revised. Five species are recognized, including three new species (S. elongata sp. nov., S. flavimarginata sp. nov., and S. sivelli sp. nov.) and one new record species [S. ustulata (Zetterstedt, 1847)]. Strongylophthalmyia yaoshana Yang & Wang, 1998, previously placed in the S. ustulata group, is herein transferred to the S. fascipennis group based on its bare antennal arista and patterned wing. A key to the Chinese species of the S. ustulata group is provided.



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