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Type: Correspondence
Published: 2024-01-24
Page range: 592-596
Abstract views: 627
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First records of alien land planarians (Platyhelminthes: Geoplanidae) in Hungary

Soil Zoological Collection Group; Department of Zoology; Hungarian Natural History Museum; Baross u. 13; H-1088 Budapest; Hungary
Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos Brazil
Plant Protection Institute; HUN-REN Centre for Agricultural Research; Herman Ottó út 15; Budapest; H-1022; Hungary
National Laboratory for Health Security; Plant Protection Institute; HUN-REN Centre for Agricultural Research; Herman Ottó út 15; Budapest; H-1022; Hungary
H-7632 Pécs; Boldog Özséb street 7/1
Plant Protection Institute; HUN-REN Centre for Agricultural Research; Herman Ottó út 15; Budapest; H-1022; Hungary
Lepidoptera Collection; Department of Zoology; Hungarian Natural History Museum; Baross u. 13; H-1088 Budapest; Hungary
Platyhelminthes Geoplanidae Hungary alien land planarians


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