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Type: Article
Published: 2024-01-25
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Three new species of Tetrapedia Klug, 1810 (Hymenoptera: Apidae) and a key to the species recorded in Brazil

Instituto de Biologia—INBIO; Universidade Federal de Uberlândia—UFU; 38400-732; Uberlândia; Minas Gerais; Brazil
Departamento de Zoologia; Universidade de Brasília; Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro; BR-70910-900; Brasília; Distrito Federal; Brazil
Hymenoptera Cavity-nesting bee oil-collecting bee taxonomy Tetrapediini Xylocopinae


Three new species of Tetrapedia Klug, 1810 (Apidae) from Central Brazil are described and illustrated: Tetrapedia marina sp. nov., Tetrapedia tereza sp. nov., and Tetrapedia bruno sp. nov. Additionally, a key to the 22 species of Tetrapedia known from Brazil is provided. The lectotype of T. clypeata Friese is designated to establish the species name.



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