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Type: Article
Published: 2024-01-26
Page range: 43-79
Abstract views: 393
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Review of the genus Eotilla Schuster, 1949 (Hymenoptera: Typhoctinae, Eotillini) 2: species from Chile

School of Life Sciences; University of KwaZulu-Natal; Pietermaritzburg; Private Bag X01; Scottsville; 3209 South Africa
Centro Regional de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia Tecnológica de La Rioja (CRILAR-CONICET); Anillaco; Argentina
Hymenoptera Andean Region Bradynobaenidae Chyphotidae new species Prototilla zoogeography


The Eotillini primarily occur in Argentina, Bolivia and Chile. This paper treats the Chilean species of Eotilla Schuster, 1949. In addition to E. mickeli Schuster, 1949, six new species are described, based on males: E. ferruginea Brothers & Torréns sp. nov., E. punctata Brothers & Torréns sp. nov., E. setosa Brothers & Torréns sp. nov., E. fidalgoi Brothers & Torréns sp. nov., E. packeri Brothers & Torréns sp. nov. and E. pallidipes Brothers & Torréns sp. nov.. The previously unknown female of E. mickeli is also described. The distributions of both genera of Eotillini and their possible evolutionary history and zoogeography as related to the uplift of the Andes Mountains are briefly discussed.



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