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Type: Article
Published: 2024-01-31
Page range: 422-432
Abstract views: 213
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A new subspecies of the subterranean beetle Speoplanes biocovensis Müller, 1934 (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Cholevinae: Leptodirini) from Bosnia and Herzegovina: the first occurrence of the genus outside Croatia

Institute of Zoology; University of Belgrade - Faculty of Biology; Studentski Trg 16; 11000 Belgrade; Serbia
Institute of Zoology; University of Belgrade - Faculty of Biology; Studentski Trg 16; 11000 Belgrade; Serbia
Špiljar Speleological Society; Varaždinska 53; 21000 Split; Croatia
Institute of Zoology; University of Belgrade - Faculty of Biology; Studentski Trg 16; 11000 Belgrade; Serbia
Coleoptera Dinarides Balkan Peninsula round fungus beetles hypogean new taxon endemic


A new subterranean leptodirine leiodid beetle, Speoplanes biocovensis bosnicus Vrbica, Vesović, Rađa & Ćurčić, ssp. n., is described and diagnosed from a pit in southern Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is the first discovery of the genus Speoplanes Müller, 1911 in this country and the first discovery outside Croatia. Important morphological features of the new taxon are presented, including aspects of the male and female genitalia. The subspecies is endemic to the Dinaric mountain range of Bosnia and Herzegovina. A key to the identification of taxa of the genus Speoplanes is added.



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