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Type: Article
Published: 2024-02-01
Page range: 451-494
Abstract views: 175
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Investigations on the immature stages of some species of Eulecaniinae (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha: Coccidae)

Chemical Ecology; Cardiff University; Cardiff CF10 3AT; UK
The Steinhardt Museum of Natural History; Tel Aviv University; Tel Aviv; Israel
Ankara University; Faculty of Agriculture; Department of Plant Protection; 06110; Dışkapı; Ankara; Türkiye
Hemiptera Soft scale insect Sternorrhyncha description nymph


The dependence on adult female morphology for the determination of soft scale insect species (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha: Coccidae) creates several problems. In this paper, various nymphal stages of soft scale insects from the Ankara district of Türkiye and Israel, belonging to Coccidae: subfamily Eulecaniinae, namely Eulecanium cerasorum (Cockerell), E. ciliatum (Douglas), E. tiliae (Linnaeus), Paleolecanium bituberculatum (Signoret), Physokermes piceae (Schrank) and Rhodoccus perornatus (Cockerell & Parrott) were studied. The morphology of all the nymphal stages of these species is described and illustrated, and identification keys are provided to each instar. The results show that nymphal stages can be used to accurately identify soft scale insect species.



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