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Type: Article
Published: 2024-02-01
Page range: 577-590
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Three new species of sea star parasite Dendrogaster (Crustacea: Thecostraca) from Japan

Suido-sha Co. Ltd.; 8-11-11 Ikuta; Tama-ku; Kawasaki; Kanagawa 214-0038; Japan
Marine Biological Laboratory; Toba Aquarium; 3-3-6 Toba; Toba; Mie 517-8517; Japan
Yabitsu Shellfish Museum / Yuasa Castle Marine Biological Museum; Miyazaki-cho; Arida; Wakayama 649-0316; Japan
Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life; Hiroshima University; 1-4-4 Kagamiyama; Higashi-Hiroshima; Hiroshima 739-8528; Japan
Crustacea Asteriidae bathyal zone Dendrogastridae Echinasteridae endoparasite Goniasteridae Kumano-nada Sea


Three new species of ascothoracidan crustaceans, Dendrogaster danni sp. nov., Dendrogaster tanabensis sp. nov., and Dendrogaster jinshomaruae sp. nov. are described from the sea around the Kii Peninsula on the Pacific coast of central Japan. They are found in the coelomic cavities of the sea stars, Neoferdina japonica Oguro & Misaki, 1986., Henricia sp., and Coronaster volsellatus (Sladen, 1889), respectively. Morphological examinations and DNA barcoding analyses of these new species are reported in this study. The emergence of Dendrogaster from their host sea stars is also noted. These findings represent the 11th to 13th species of Dendrogaster that infest Japanese sea stars.



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