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Type: Article
Published: 2024-02-02
Page range: 105-122
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The Limnephilus bipunctatus Species Group in Turkey with the descriptions of two new species (Trichoptera, Limnephilidae)

Bardacık Sokak No. 11; 4 TR-06640 Ankara; Turkey
Trichoptera Caddisflies systematics endemic distribution


The Limnephilus bipunctatus Species Group in Turkey is studied with two new species, Limnephilus bayburt sp. n. from northeastern Turkey and Limnephilus bercalan sp. n. from eastern Turkey, described and illustrated. Four additional species, L. bipunctatus Curtis 1834, L. caucasicus Schmid 1955, L. malickyi Sipahiler 1992, and L. transcaucasicus Martynov 1909 are also redescribed and illustrated. Limnephilus transcaucasicus is a new record for the Turkish fauna.



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  6. Martynov, A.V. (1909) Die Trichopteren des Kaukasus. Zoologisches Jahrbuch Systematik, 27, 509–558.
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  8. Martynov, A.V. (1926) To the knowledge of Trichoptera from Central Kaukasus and their metamorphoses. Travaux de la Station Biologique du Caucase du Nord de Gorsky Institut Agronomique, Vladikavkaz, 1 (3), 19–62. [Russian with English resumé]
  9. McLachlan, R. (1875) n.k. In: A Monographic Revision and Synopsis of the Trichoptera of the European Fauna. Part 3. John van Voorst, London, pp. 109–144, pls. 12–15.
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  13. Neu, P.J., Malicky, H., Graf, W. & Schmidt-Kloiber, A. (2018) Distribution Atlas of European Trichoptera. Tierwelt Deutschlands 84. ConchBooks, Harxheim, 891 pp.
  14. Rambur, M.P. (1842) Histoire naturelle des insectes Névroptères. Librairie Encyclopédique de Roret, Paris, xviii + 534 pp, 12 pls.
  15. Schmid, F. (1955) Contribution a l’etude des Limnophilidae (Trichoptera). Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft, 28 Beiheft (Supplement), 1–245.
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