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Type: Article
Published: 2003-09-12
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The dorsal abdominal glands and the higher classification of the Phoridae (Diptera)

Cambridge University Museum of Zoology, Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3EJ, UK
Diptera Phoridae review subfamilies tribes Metopininae Metopinini Gymnophorini new data revised diagnoses


A brief historical review of the proposed subfamilies and tribes within the Phoridae is provided. The value of the position of the female dorsal abdominal glands in the Metopininae is highlighted. It is proposed that these discharge between tergites 4 and 5 in the thus newly diagnosed Metopinini and between T5 and T6 in the resurrected tribe Gymnophorini, which embraces the Beckerinini of previous authors plus the Megaseliini, which are both synonymised with the newly diagnosed Gymnophorini. This tribe, therefore, now includes more than half the known species of Phoridae. The genus Aenigmatopoeus Schmitz is transferred from the Aenigmatiinae to the Metopininae, Metopinini, thus further undermining the presumed monophyly of the Aenigmatiinae, which may be just a polyphyletic assemblage with convergently similar flightless females.


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