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Type: Article
Published: 2024-02-05
Page range: 288-296
Abstract views: 152
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Description of a new species Euphanias sergreevae sp. nov. (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Oxytelinae) from Western Siberia, Russia

X-BIO Institute; University of Tyumen; 25 Lenina Str; Tyumen; 625003; Russia
X-BIO Institute; University of Tyumen; 25 Lenina Str; Tyumen; 625003; Russia
X-BIO Institute; University of Tyumen; 25 Lenina Str; Tyumen; 625003; Russia
Coleoptera Palaearctic salt lakes taxonomy new species scanning electron microscopy


The new species Euphanias sergreevae sp. nov. from the shores of a saline lake in Western Siberia, Russia is described in this paper. The paper examines the type material of two closely related species Euphanias pusanovi Blinstein, 1976 and Euphanias pliginskii Bernhauer, 1912. The species are illustrated with color photographs of the habitus and aedeagus, scanning electron micrographs, and line drawings of the terminalia. A complete distribution map for all members of the genus is given and distribution patterns are discussed.



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