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Type: Article
Published: 2024-02-12
Page range: 91-111
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The first cryptic genus of Ixodida, Cryptocroton n. gen. for Amblyomma papuanum Hirst, 1914: a tick of North Queensland, Australia, and Papua New Guinea

Department of Parasitology; School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences; The University of Queensland; Brisbane; Qld; 4072; Australia
Department of Parasitology; School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences; The University of Queensland; Brisbane; Qld; 4072; Australia
Epidemiology; Parasites and Vectors; Agricultural Research Council; Onderstepoort Veterinary Research; Onderstepoort 0110; South Africa; The Department of Life and Consumer Sciences; University of South Africa; Florida 1709; South Africa.; The Department of Veterinary Tropical Diseases; University of Pretoria; Pretoria 0110; South Africa.
US National Tick Collection; Institute for Coastal Sciences; Georgia Southern University; Statesboro; GA; 30460; USA; Department of Biology; Georgia Southern University; Statesboro; GA; 30460; USA.
Queensland Museum; PO Box 3300; South Brisbane; 4101; Qld; Australia
CSIRO; Health and Biosecurity; Canberra; ACT; Australia
Centre for Bioinnovation and School of Science; Technology and Engineering; University of the Sunshine Coast; Maroochydore; Qld; 4556; Australia
Department of Parasitology; School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences; The University of Queensland; Brisbane; Qld; 4072; Australia
Medical Entomology; Environmental Health Directorate; Western Australian Department of Health; Mount Claremont; WA; 6010; Australia
Institute for Applied Ecology; Faculty of Science & Technology; University of Canberra; Bruce; 2617; ACT; Australia
Department of Parasitology; School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences; The University of Queensland; Brisbane; Qld; 4072; Australia
Department of Disease Control; Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine; Hokkaido University; Hokkaido 060–0818; Japan
Acari new genus Ixodida Papua New Guinea Australia echidna cassowary


We describe a new genus Cryptocroton n. gen. for Amblyomma papuanum Hirst, 1914, a tick of North Queensland, Australia, and Papua New Guinea.



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