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Type: Article
Published: 2024-02-14
Page range: 301-316
Abstract views: 276
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Revision of the rare Buprestis subgenus Akiyamaia Kurosawa, 1988 (Coleoptera: Buprestidae: Buprestinae), with description of two new species

Fujian Academy of Forestry; Fuzhou; Fujian; 350012; China; College of Plant Protection; Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University; Fuzhou; Fujian; 350002; China
Fujian Academy of Forestry; Fuzhou; Fujian; 350012; China
Fujian Academy of Forestry; Fuzhou; Fujian; 350012; China
College of Plant Protection; Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University; Fuzhou; Fujian; 350002; China
Fujian Academy of Forestry; Fuzhou; Fujian; 350012; China
Fujian Academy of Forestry; Fuzhou; Fujian; 350012; China
Coleoptera jewel beetle taxonomy new species key China Vietnam


In this paper, two new species of Buprestis subgenus Akiyamaia Kurosawa, 1988 are described: B. (A.) gengmini Qi & Song, new species from Yunnan Province, China and B. (A.) wenii Qi & Song, new species from Yen Bai Province, Vietnam. The descriptions and illustrations of two new species are provided, and the diagnostic characters are provided to distinguish the two new species from other related species. A key is given for identification of all Akiyamaia species.The holotype of B. (A.) costipennis (Fairmaire, 1891) and pictures of living individuals are illustrated for the first time.



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