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Type: Article
Published: 2024-02-14
Page range: 376-383
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A new species of amphipod of the genus Parhyale Stebbing, 1897 from Chilika Lagoon, India

Department of Marine Sciences; Berhampur University; Bhanja Bihar; Odisha; 760007; India
Department of Marine Sciences; Berhampur University; Bhanja Bihar; Odisha; 760007; India
School of Biological; Earth and Environmental Sciences; University College Cork; Cork Enterprise Centre; Distillery Fields; North Mall; Cork; Ireland
Department of Marine Sciences; Berhampur University; Bhanja Bihar; Odisha; 760007; India
Crustacea Amphipoda Parhyale taxonomy new species India


A new species of the genus Parhyale, Stebbing 1897 was collected from the intertidal region of Chilika Lagoon associated with the seaweed Gracilaria sp. Parhyale odian sp. nov. differs from other species of the genus by having a stout robust seta on the surface of the propodus near to dactyl hinge of male gnathopod 1. With the new description of P. odian sp. nov., the global species number in the genus rises to 16.



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