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Type: Article
Published: 2008-08-27
Page range: 9–36
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Redescription of four Polish Endonura Cassagnau, 1979 (Collembola, Neanuridae, Neanurinae), with a nomenclature of the ventral chaetae of antennae

Zoological Institute, University of Wrocław, Przybyszewskiego 63/77, 51–148 Wrocław, Poland
Collembola Endonura dudichi E. incolorata E. lusatica E. tatricola taxonomy syn. nov. comb. nov. springtails first instar


A new diagnosis of Endonura Cassagnau, 1979 is given. E. dudichi (Loksa, 1967) comb. nov., E. incolorata (Stach, 1951) comb. nov., E. lusatica (Dunger, 1966) comb. nov. and E. tatricola (Stach, 1951) are redescribed based on type and new material from Poland, Ukraine, Hungary and Slovakia. Lectotypes of E. incolorata and E. tatricola are designated. Endonura szeptyckii (Weiner, 1973) is synonymized with E. tatricola. Data of occurrence, ecological preferences, variability and morphology of the first instar of the species are provided. New morphological characters with associated nomenclature are proposed.


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