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Type: Article
Published: 2024-02-21
Page range: 339-345
Abstract views: 271
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First record of non-native Xylosandrus compactus and Anisandrus maiche (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae) in Slovenia

Slovenian Forestry Institute; Večna pot 2; SI-1000 Ljubljana; Slovenia
Slovenian Forestry Institute; Večna pot 2; SI-1000 Ljubljana; Slovenia; Biotechnical faculty; University of Ljubljana; Jamnikarjeva ulica 101; SI-1000 Ljubljana; Slovenia
Slovenian Forestry Institute; Večna pot 2; SI-1000 Ljubljana; Slovenia
Department of Agronomy; Food; Natural Resources; Animals and the Environment; University of Padua; Viale dell’Università; 16; 35020 Legnaro (PD); Italy
Slovenian Forestry Institute; Večna pot 2; SI-1000 Ljubljana; Slovenia
Coleoptera Biological invasions surveys trapping invasive alien species forest


The introduction of non-native organisms into new areas may pose major threats to natural ecosystems. Therefore, continuous and careful national surveys for the interception of invasive non-native species are necessary. During the national survey of quarantine species in 2023, two new non-native ambrosia beetles, Anisandrus maiche (Kurentzov) and Xylosandrus compactus (Eichhoff), were recorded in Slovenia. Anisandrus maiche was recorded in three locations in the eastern part of Slovenia, with a total of 386 individuals. Three individuals of Xylosandrus compactus were collected in one location near the port of Koper. We discuss the possible pathways of introduction and dispersal.



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