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Type: Monograph
Published: 2024-02-26
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A revision of the genus Extenuipalpus Reck, 1959 (Trombidiformes: Tetranychoidea: Tenuipalpidae), with description of a new species

Queensland Museum; P.O. Box 3300; South Brisbane; Queensland; 4101; Australia
Unit for Environmental Sciences and Management; Potchefstroom Campus; North-West University; Private Bag X6001; Potchefstroom; 2520; South Africa
São Paulo State University (UNESP); Institute of Biosciences; Humanities and Exact Sciences (Ibilce); Campus São José do Rio Preto; SP; 15054-000; Brazil
Queensland Museum; P.O. Box 3300; South Brisbane; Queensland; 4101; Australia
Acari Flat mite leg chaetotaxy Tenuipalpus Ultratenuipalpus


Extenuipalpus is reviewed, covering its taxonomic history, a new genus diagnosis, body and leg chaetotaxy, and redescriptions of the three previously known species E. niekerkae (Meyer, 1979), E. quadrisetosus (Lawrence, 1940) and E. sagittus (Meyer, 1993) based on type material. We also describe a new species, E. situngu Beard & Ueckermann sp. nov. from glossy forest grape, Rhoicissus rhomboidea (E. Mey ex Harv.) Planch. (Vitaceae), and provide a key to species of Extenuipalpus.



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