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Type: Article
Published: 2024-02-28
Page range: 140-158
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Life cycle closure of Cerroneuroterus minutulus (Giraud, 1859) with C. aggregatus (Wachtl, 1880) (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Cynipini): experimental, taxonomic and molecular approaches

Museo Civico di Lentate Sul Seveso; Via D. Aureggi 25; 20823 Lentate Sul Seveso; Italy
Australian National Insect Collection; CSIRO; Clunies Ross Street; Acton; ACT 2601 Australia
Department of Agricultural; Food and Forest Sciences (SAAF); University of Palermo; Viale delle Scienze Bd. 5A; 90128 Palermo; Italy
Hymenoptera oak gallwasp heterogonic life cycle biology sexual generation taxonomy morphology distribution Quercus


The life cycle of Cerroneuroterus minutulus (Giraud, 1859), a species previously known only from its asexual generation, is closed. Our study demonstrates that C. minutulus exhibits the heterogony typical of Cynipini species, with alternating sexual and asexual generations. The identity of the sexual generation is demonstrated by laboratory experiments and confirmed by molecular data, with Cerroneuroterus aggregatus (Wachtl, 1880) determined to be the sexual generation, and junior synonym, of Cerroneuroterus minutulus (Giraud, 1859). Illustrations and diagnoses for adults and galls, observations on biology and distribution information are provided as is a detailed redescription of the sexual generation of C. minutulus.



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