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Type: Article
Published: 2024-02-28
Page range: 183-192
Abstract views: 133
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Contributions to the taxonomy, identification, and biogeography of Palaearctic Campopleginae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), with the description of a new Porizon Fallén species from Iran

Hungarian Natural History Museum; Department of Zoology; Hymenoptera Collection; H-1088 Budapest; Baross u. 13; Hungary
Tarbiat Modares University; Faculty of Agriculture; Department of Entomology; P.O.Box 14115-336; Tehran; Iran
Tarbiat Modares University; Faculty of Agriculture; Department of Entomology; P.O.Box 14115-336; Tehran; Iran
University of Zabol; College of Agriculture; Department of Plant Protection; 98615–538; Zabol; Iran
Hymenoptera taxonomy distribution new record Middle East Bathyplectes Casinaria Diadegma Dusona Eriborus Hyposoter Lemophagus Meloboris


New species and new records of Palaearctic Campopleginae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) are reported in this paper: Porizon dahaka Vas, sp. nov. is described from Iran, with a complementary modification to the identification key of the genus; seven Western Palaearctic species, namely Bathyplectes rufigaster Horstmann, Casinaria paramorionella Riedel, Diadegma mediterraneum (Constantineanu), Diadegma neomajale Horstmann, Diadegma tamariscator (Aubert), Eriborus obscuripes Horstmann, and Hyposoter fitchii (Bridgman) are reported for the first time from the Eastern Palaearctic region (Iran); four species already known from the Eastern Palaearctic region, namely Diadegma aculeatum (Bridgman), Diadegma elegans Dbar, Dusona stragifex (Förster), and Meloboris pektusana Vas, are reported for the first time from Iran, the latter with the complementary description of the hitherto unknown male. Additionally, further data are provided on the distribution of Lemophagus eburnipes Vas, a species recently described from Iran.



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