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Type: Article
Published: 2024-02-28
Page range: 193-200
Abstract views: 125
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A new subspecies of Aporia procris Leech, 1890 hidden in Sichuan, China (Lepidoptera, Pieridae)

The People’s Government of Dusong Township; Jinchuan County; Aba; Sichuan; P.R. China
Lepidoptera Pierinae Pierini genitalia phylogeny dry-hot valley


Further information on the distribution of Aporia procris Leech, 1890 is provided. The population of A. procris from the upper Dadu River, W. Sichuan, previously recognized as ssp. yaozhui Huang, 2021, is treated as a new subspecies, viz., A. p. huangsiyaoi ssp. nov., based upon evidence from external features, with its genital and molecular characters given.



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