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Type: Article
Published: 2024-02-29
Page range: 240-254
Abstract views: 179
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A review of the genus Mirocastnia J. Y. Miller, 1980 (Lepidoptera: Castniidae) with records of recently collected specimens

Austin Achieve Public Schools; Austin; Texas; (Research Associate; McGuire Center for Lepidoptera and Biodiversity); USA
Reserva Serra Bonita; P. O. Box 1; Cep 45.880-000 Camacan /Bahia; Brasil
10 The Hill; Church Hill; Caterham; Surrey CR3 6SD; U.K.
Lepidoptera giant butterfly-moths morphology taxonomy


A new record of the rare species Mirocastnia pyrrhopygoides (Houlbert) from Ecuador is reported, along with range extensions for M. smalli (J. Y. Miller) and M. canis (Lathy). In addition, the genus Mirocastnia J. Y. Miller is revised and the diagnostic phenotypic characteristics of males and females, as well as male genitalia, are illustrated. Details on its natural history, biogeography, and biology are included with the purpose of solving the confusion in the taxonomy of the genus. All taxa previously considered to be species are herein relegated to subspecific status, i.e. M. pyrrhopygoides canis stat. nov. and M. p. smalli stat. nov.



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