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Type: Article
Published: 2024-03-04
Page range: 589-600
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Review of the genus Miscophus Jurine, 1807 (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae: Crabroninae) of the Indian subcontinent with descriptions of two new species from southern India

Zoological Survey of India; Western Ghat Regional Centre; Kozhikode 673006; Kerala; India
Zoological Survey of India; Western Ghat Regional Centre; Kozhikode 673006; Kerala; India; University of Calicut; Thenhipalam P.O.; Malappuram 673635; Kerala; India
Zoological Survey of India; Western Ghat Regional Centre; Kozhikode 673006; Kerala; India; University of Calicut; Thenhipalam P.O.; Malappuram 673635; Kerala; India
Zoological Survey of India; Western Ghat Regional Centre; Kozhikode 673006; Kerala; India
Hymenoptera Digger wasps Spheciformes Miscophini Miscophus taxonomy new species key India


The digger wasp genus Miscophus Jurine, 1807 from the Indian subcontinent is reviewed with descriptions of two new species from India, Miscophus kaleshi Girish Kumar and Miscophus prasanthi Girish Kumar. A key to Miscophus of the Indian subcontinent is provided.



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