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Type: Article
Published: 2024-03-05
Page range: 145-150
Abstract views: 149
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Molecular data and morphological characters clarify the taxonomic status of Pintara heringi pieridoides (Liu & Gu, 1994) (Hesperiidae, Pyrginae)

College of Tobacco Science and Engineering; Zhengzhou University of Light Industry; No. 136 Ke Xue Avenue; Zhengzhou; Henan Province; 450000; P. R. China
College of Tobacco Science and Engineering; Zhengzhou University of Light Industry; No. 136 Ke Xue Avenue; Zhengzhou; Henan Province; 450000; P. R. China
China Tobacco Hebei Industrial Co.; Ltd.; No.1 Weiming South Avenue; Shijiazhuang; Hebei Province; 050051; P. R. China
Diaoluoshan Division of Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park Administration; No. 1 Diaoluo Avenue; Lingshui; Hainan Province; 572433; P. R. China
Technology Center; China Tobacco Henan Industrial Co.; Ltd.; No. 8 Jingkai Third Street; Zhengzhou; Henan Province; 450000; P. R. China.
College of Tobacco Science and Engineering; Zhengzhou University of Light Industry; No. 136 Ke Xue Avenue; Zhengzhou; Henan Province; 450000; P. R. China
Technology Center; China Tobacco Henan Industrial Co.; Ltd.; No. 8 Jingkai Third Street; Zhengzhou; Henan Province; 450000; P. R. China
Lepidoptera skippers COI genitalia Albiphasma synonymy subspecies distribution


We found Albiphasma heringi (Mell, 1922) and A. pieridoides (Liu & Gu, 1994) to be conspecific by the 658 bp COI gene sequences and male genitalia characters. Considering the distinguishable wing patterns and allopatric distribution of the two taxa, we treat pieridoides as a subspecies of heringi. Therefore, the genus Albiphasma Huang, Chiba, Wang and Fan, 2016, which was established for heringi and pieridoides, becomes monotypic, and in light of morphological similarities and close genetic distance between heringi and Pintara bowringi (Joicey & Talbot, 1921), we propose its synonymy with Pintara Evans, 1932. The adults and male genitalia of both P. heringi heringi (Mell, 1922) and P. heringi pieridoides (Liu & Gu, 1994) are illustrated.



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