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Type: Article
Published: 2024-03-12
Page range: 127-135
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Taxonomic corrections on Oriental Anthocoridae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) described by Bertil Poppius

Institute of Natural and Environmental Sciences; University of Hyogo; Yayoigaoka 6-chome; Sanda-shi; Hyogo 669-1546; Japan; Museum of Nature and Human Activities; Hyogo; Yayoigaoka 6-chome; Sanda-shi; Hyogo 669-1546; Japan
Hemiptera Heteroptera Cimicomorpha Anthocoridae Robert Bertil Poppius lectotype designation new combination new synonymy taxonomy Oriental Region


Five species of Oriental Anthocoridae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) described by Robert Bertil Poppius are revised based on their type materials. The following new combinations and new junior subjective synonyms are proposed: Amphiareus constrictus (Stål, 1860) = Cardiastethus laeviusculus Poppius, 1915, syn. nov.; Lippomanus longiceps (Poppius, 1915), comb. nov. (transferred from Cardiastethus) = Lippomanus brevicornis Yamada & Hirowatari, 2004, syn. nov.; Alofa sodalis (B. White, 1878) = Cardiastethus minutus Poppius, 1909, syn. nov.; Physopleurella obscura Poppius, 1909 (recognized as valid species) = P. nigrifemora Yamada & Hirowatari, 2007, syn. nov. Lectotypes are designated for the following species: Cardiastethus laeviusculus Poppius, 1915; Cardiastethus pilosus Poppius, 1909.



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