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Type: Article
Published: 2024-03-15
Page range: 476-482
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Nigropterix cummingi sp. n., an umenocoleid (Insecta: Dictyoptera) from mid-Cretaceous northern Myanmar amber

Institute of Zoology; Slovak Academy of Sciences; Dúbravská cesta 9; 845 06 Bratislava; Slovakia
Blattodea Fossil insect Burmite Mesozoic amber new species


A new fossil umenocoleid from Burmese amber is described as Nigropterix cummingi sp. n. on the basis of a completely preserved adult female. The genus Nigropterix Sendi in Sendi et al. (2023) was previously only reported in Turonian sediments from Kzyl-Zhar in Kazakhstan. The herein described species differs from the latter in having parallel M, and R area with numerous cross-veins. Furthermore, the triangular shaped pronotum with unreduced paranotalia, and possibly the shortened ovipositor with punctures and minute setae are autapomorphic. The leathery texture consisting of irregular rows of bulges with small pits including setae on the forewings is very similar to Alienopterix Mlynský in Vršanský et al. (2018), Archaeospinapteryx Sendi et Cumming and Poikiloprosopon Sendi et Cumming both in Sendi et al. (2023). The fossil insect expands the temporal and geographic range of its genus and further exemplifies taxonomic and ecological dominance of Umenocoleidae in Burmese amber. The unique wide pronotum without reduced paranotalia (a strong plesiomorphy) also exemplifies disparity of forms among Umenocoleidea.



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