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Published: 2008-09-03
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Characterisation of the Larvae of Australian Nacophorini

School of Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Tasmania, Locked Bag 78, GPO Hobart, 7001 current address: Department of Primary Industries, and Water, 13 St Johns Ave., New Town, Tasmania, 7008
Lepidoptera Australia Ennominae Geometridae larva morphology Nacophorini taxonomy


The Australian Nacophorini and related taxa are described using 43 larval morphological characters. A selection of these characters were used previously for a morphological phylogeny of the Australian Ennominae together with characters of the ova and adults. The larvae of 67 species are illustrated using photographs and setal maps. On this basis, tentative comparisons are made between the Australian Nacophorini and the world fauna.


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