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Type: Article
Published: 2024-03-22
Page range: 413-426
Abstract views: 131
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Two new species of Stenus Latreille, 1797, from Timor-Leste (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Steninae)

Natural History Museum of Denmark; Universitetsparken 15; Copenhagen 2100; Denmark
Australian Museum Research Institute; Australian Museum; 1 William Street; Sydney; NSW 2010; Australia
Coleoptera rove beetle Wallacea taxonomy


Two new species of Stenus Latreille, 1797 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Steninae) are described from Timor-Leste. Nine species of Stenus are now known to occur in Timor-Leste: S. ferreirai Puthz, 1966; S. hatobuilico Jenkins Shaw & Reid sp. nov.; S. melanarius annamita Fauvel, 1895; S. piliferus timoricola Puthz, 1966; S. ramelau Jenkins Shaw & Reid sp. nov.; S. rorellus cursorius L. Benick, 1921; S. tenebricus tenebricus Puthz, 1966; S. timorensis Puthz, 1966; S. timoricus Puthz, 1966. Appropriate species-group classification of the two new species is discussed. They are brachypterous and montane, restricted to elevations above 2000 m in the Ramelau Massif. A key is provided for identification of Timorese Stenus species and new records of the described species noted.



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