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Type: Article
Published: 2024-03-22
Page range: 427-439
Abstract views: 118
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Two new Incisitermes (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae) species from the Caribbean Basin, genetic relationships with other regional Incisitermes, and synonymy of Incisitermes tabogae with I. schwarzi

Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center; University of Florida; Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences; 3205 College Avenue; Davie; Florida; 33314; USA
BASF Corporation; 26 Davis Drive; P.O. Box 13528; Research Triangle Park; NC 27709; USA
Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology; 217 Plant Science Bldg.; University of Arkansas; Fayetteville; AR 72701; USA
Isoptera Neotropics taxonomy drywood termites


Two new species of Incisitermes are described from the soldier and imago caste: Incisitermes lisae sp. nov. (Yucatan Region) and Incisitermes mariae sp. nov. (Venezuela and Trinidad and Tobago). Incisitermes tabogae (Snyder, 1924) is reduced to a junior synonymy of Incisitermes schwarzi (Banks, 1920), known from Florida, the West Indies, and the Caribbean basin mainland. The phylogenetic relationships of these three species are compared with other Incisitermes of the region.



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