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Type: Article
Published: 2024-03-22
Page range: 440-448
Abstract views: 115
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A review of Agnoshydrus Biström, Nilsson & Wewalka, 1997 (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae: Hyphydrini), with descriptions of two new species from Thailand

Thailand National History Museum; National Science Museum; Pathum Thani; 12120 Thailand; Coleopterological Society of Japan. National Museum of Nature and Science; Tsukuba; 3050005 Japan
Coleoptera Dytiscidae Hydroporinae Hyphydrini new species first record Southeast Asia


The genus Agnoshydrus Biström, Nilsson & Wewalka, 1997 is reviewed and two new species are described from Thailand: A. thailandicus sp. nov. (Ubon Ratchathani, Chiang Mai, Nong Khai provinces) and A. wewalkai sp. nov. (Nan Province). Agnoshydrus schillhammeri Wewalka, 1999 is recorded from Cambodia for the first time. A key to species and a distribution map of all known Agnoshydrus species are provided.



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