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Type: Article
Published: 2024-03-27
Page range: 96-108
Abstract views: 238
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Discovery of the cicada genus Becquartina Kato, 1940 (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Cicadinae) in India with the description of a new species from Meghalaya

North Orissa University; Department of Zoology; Sri Ram Chandra Vihar; Takatpur; Mayurbhanj; Baripada; Odisha 757003; Wildlife Institute of India -Category 2 Centre (WII-C2C) for World Natural Heritage Management and Training for Asia and the Pacific Region; under the auspices of UNESCO; Wildlife Institute of India; Chandrabani; Dehradun; Uttarakhand 248001
North-Eastern Hill University; Department of Zoology; Shillong-793022; Meghalaya
North Orissa University; Department of Zoology; Sri Ram Chandra Vihar; Takatpur; Mayurbhanj; Baripada; Odisha 757003
Zoological Survey of India; Central Zone Regional Centre; Jabalpur; Madhya Pradesh
Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration; Charleville; Mussoorie; Uttarakhand-248179
North-Eastern Hill University; Department of Zoology; Shillong-793022; Meghalaya
Hemiptera Indo-Burma biodiversity hotspot cicada species discovery natural history Meghalaya India


The genus Becquartina Kato, 1940 (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) is reported for the first time from India with a new species, Becquartina bicolor sp. nov., along with records of two distinct colour forms, from the northeastern Indian state of Meghalaya and located within the Indo-Burma Biodiversity hotspot. This paper provides an account of its natural history and bioacoustics. The present discovery extends the distributional range of the genus Becquartina from Southeast Asia into Northeast India and increases the total number of known Becquartina species to seven.


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