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Type: Article
Published: 2024-03-27
Page range: 121-132
Abstract views: 187
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Cantharis zapatai nom. nov., an overlooked species of Cantharis Linnaeus, 1758 from Central Spain (Coleoptera: Cantharidae)

C/Real 23; 2ºZ; 33790; Puerto de Vega; Asturias; Spain
Plaza Flor del Olivo; 4; bl.7; 1B; 14001; Córdoba; Spain
Coleoptera Cantharis zapatai nom. nov. key Iberian Peninsula


Cantharis zapatai nom. nov. is proposed for Cantharis schrammi Pic, 1918, which is a primary homonym of Cantharis paulinoi var. schrammi Pic, 1907. The male of the species is redescribed, and the female is described here. The aedeagus and several external features are illustrated, and the species is compared with the closest relatives. Cantharis zapatai nom. nov. differs from its congeners by the characteristic spot in the vertex, yellowish pronotum and elytra, and black scutellum and appendages. The species is known from three localities of west central and central Spain (Iberian Peninsula), Guadalupe (Cáceres) (type locality), Puerto del Milagro (Toledo) and Fuencaliente (Ciudad Real). A key to the Iberian species of the genus Cantharis is provided.


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